Thursday, January 7, 2010

Next On The List

Its day two of my blogging. For some reason, I like to do it at night.

Anyway, dogs ate a whole package of chocolate donuts. I'm very worried about all that chocolate in their system. Dad says not to worry, that dogs can eat chocolate, just not all the time, but I know he's just saying that so I don't worry.

And I'm not worrying.



Tomorrow I have a beading class. Its called Dragon Scale Chain Maille. I might post a picture of my finished product up here some time this week, or so.

I love beading. Its therapeutic for me. I've taken two classes so far, Beading for Beginners and Wire Wrapping. A few years ago, I had taken a Beginner Class in Scarborough, but since I moved, and am home all the time, mom has signed me up at a local beading place.

The owner is amazing. She is so creative, and her store is filled with beads, and all sorts of creations she's made. Beautiful necklaces, and bracelets and earrings. Hopefully, my jewellery will look like that one day.


Ok, I think we should go back to my list I had started.

- Kick/Punch my lupus doctor
- Kick/Punch this kid that was in my religon class.
- Get Revenge(somehow) on guy named Thor.
- Tell everyone I love them
- Give rock that says "Suck on this" to doctor.

I'm on to the second thing on my list, Kick/punch this kid that was in my religon class.

I hate this kid, I think his name was like Nathan, or something that started with N. Or maybe his name was Daniel?

Anyway, we had gone outside(don't ask me why, it was really cold out) into this little courtyard, to have a mini- mass thing.

The courtyard was so gross. There was like, dead vegetables and plants, like tomatoes, rotting around out there. It was like, screaming "Smokers Corner". I don't know why we were having a mass out there.

Anyway, this priest comes, and really, I think he might have been a bit too old to continue his service.

Through the service we mostly sang hymns. Then the horrible thing happened.

He asked us what we were thankful for.

One kid said he was thankful for shelter.

Then, a girl said she was thankful for food. Poor girl. The priest's response to "I'm thankful for food."

"I should have guessed that."

Can you believe that? A PRIEST said that! He was practically calling the girl fat! She wasn't even fat!

But the whole class started roaring laughing. This poor girl acted like she didn't care, but it must have hurt.

As we all got back inside, putting chairs back into the school, some kid said, "Who was it the priest called fat?"

The kid, who is destined for my punch/kick said, "That girl, there." And pointed at me.


So, if I only had one day left to live, he should get ready for a kicking.


Everyday, if I am feeling well, I walk to the end of the street, and pick up my sister from the bus stop. Today, her friend, James, came to call on her. He was a bit early, so I invited him to walk with me. He is about eleven years old, but he suffers from a few health problems like myself.

While we waited for the bus stop, I told him about my kick my doctor if I had one day left to live thing.

He laughed, so at least I know I have some support on that.


Do you know what I hate? I hate how at the bottom of where I am writing this, before you post you have to type in some labels, or "tags" for your post.

They have some examples for labels. The first one?


Oh, how I hate my scooter.

I'm not talking about a normal, two-wheeled scooter, for playing outside on. I'm talking about one of those scooters old people drive.

When I went to an occupational therapist and physiotherapist for the first time, they suggested I get a mode of transportation for when my knees, and hip were really bad. They said either a wheelchair, or a scooter.

I thought about a wheelchair, but that meant someone would need to push me, for my arms had little strength, and would tire, and probably break easily.

A scooter was suggested, and now, it sits in my living room, for when I want to go to the mall, or where ever I'd be walking for long distances.

Its so big and bulky. It attracts attention, and my sister (and dad) touch the buttons while I'm using it, which causes me to lost control.

Its a stupid piece of machinery, and I'll be rid of it as soon as I can, (hopefully I won't need it so much after I get a hip replacement).


Well, I guess thats all I got to say right now. Get ready for my next post, for this is the post about Thor. Who I hate.

It will be brutal.

It will be bloody.

And no one, will come back alive.

; D

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